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Suporte Websia

Issues with Profile Page Layout and Functionality

March 19, 2024 18:10 PM


I’m reaching out to report several issues on the profile page ( that are affecting the user experience and overall aesthetics of the platform. Here’s a detailed description of the problems encountered:

1. The profile image is displayed at an excessively large size, which disrupts the page layout.
2. Some images on the page are not loading properly, showing as broken links.
3. There is an unnamed text input field present on the page, and it’s unclear what its purpose is due to the lack of a label or description.

These issues collectively result in a disfigured appearance and potential confusion for users navigating their profile settings. Could you please review and address these concerns to ensure the profile page is both visually appealing and functionally intuitive?

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,

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