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Renee Rochman

Trailer to show when clicking on poster

September 02, 2024 04:22 AM

Unless I missed it in the help topics it would be great to have the option to show the trailer when clicking on the poster of the content. I assume this would be done by having the option of uploading a MP4 (trailer) in the Banner section or have the option in the player settings?. For reference -in Netflix. See attached

Sidharth Suvankar

Hi Renee, thanks for sharing. We have this feature in the roadmap. You will be allowed to add banner video in the content form and the same banner will reflect in all end-points against that particular content.

September 02, 2024 09:55 AM
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Hi Renee, thanks for sharing.
We have this feature in the roadmap. You will be allowed to add banner video in the content form and the same banner will reflect in all end-points against that particular content.

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