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Ram Alladi

Unable to get the content

April 03, 2024 06:15 AM

I am trying to call the following for content.

When I execute it with the following request, it returns the response with no content in it.

“query”: “{categoryList(app_token:\”:H6Jji15FbeyDwM2bZ1sRdg9cV0rrzqqB\”, product_key:\”:B05C552148D643158A8AD703B26331CC\”,category_parent_uuid:\”0\”,page:1,per_page:10) {page_info{total_count} category_list{category_uuid category_name category_parent_uuid category_permalink user_uuid created_date is_mini category_image_uuid category_image_details{image_uuid file_name file_url} sub_category {category_uuid category_name category_parent_uuid category_permalink user_uuid created_date is_mini category_image_uuid category_image_details{image_uuid file_name file_url}}}}}”

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