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NVLife Private Ltd

Non functional platform and app - Refund required

February 02, 2024 09:54 AM

Hi Muvi Team,

This is to bring to your notice the unresolved issues in the Muvi app and platform. We as a client of the Muvi platform have lost time, money, and energy because of the non-functional system and incompetent support of the Muvi platform. We have listed the issues below

1. Non-functional app:
We purchased IOS app of the Muvi platform on 03.01.2024 however till 02.02.2024 the app is non-functional and the issues are unresolved.
• First the categories were not showing any videos, which took 10 days to resolve.
• Then now since 18.01.2024 sub-categories are not displaying and the videos are lying in a dump without any resolution or timeline when the same will be resolved.
2. Payment Page Dysfunctionality:
• The payment page is dysfunctional and it took the support team more than 15 days to reply to this issue.
• They are unable to detect the issues and are giving reasons that have no basis for the payment page not being visible. Changing the price of the package has no connection with the same as the payment page is still not visible.
• Despite requests, there is no option has been provided to test the payment gateway.
3. Incompetent Technical Support:
• Tech team unable to resolve simple issues.
• Incorrect reasons provided for the problems.
• The Support team lacks knowledge and gives irrelevant responses without verification.
• We were informed clearly unless we upgrade this is the service we will get. Even if we were not entitled to SLA, would it not be your duty to resolve the issues within 48 hours without wasting clients’ time and money? Also, it seems like a matter of pride for the support team that you are resolving 40,000 tickets, whereas it is a matter of incompetence for a company that it has 40 thousand complaints from the clients.
4. Guidance Issues:
• Inappropriate guidance being provided, such as directing to VD in IOS app.
• Inappropriate Thumbnail size was given in the beginning and after 25 days asked to change the size. Conflicting instructions led to wasted efforts in thumbnail creation.
• Sub-categories are mapped to the payment page, thus the payment page will not be visible till the sub-categories are not visible. However, we are told unless the price is kept at Rs.85/- the payment page will not be visible.
5. Lack of Accountability:
• No team member is willing to take responsibility for the issues.
• No accountability being taken for the waste of effort, time, and money of the client.
• While selling the product we were told the app would be functional in 7-10 days, whereas the support team has its own version. It has been 1 month still the app has no functionality.
• We were told at the convergence expo that in the standard plan the support looks at the ticket after 7 days and then takes it up for resolution which seems to be the case.
6. Unprofessional Service for Cost:
• Paid $399 for one month but still the app is nowhere near functional. The timeline of 8th feb is given which is post the billing cycle.
• Muvi Platform is clearly unworkable and lacks substance.
• The platform seems to be using the client’s money for testing new features. We have been told that the nested content feature is new, thus having issues. Why a feature has been put on the platform without testing and if there are issues, why are the clients made to suffer?

IT is clear that Muvi Platform lacks competence & functionality, and has failed to deliver a functional app. It is a complete failure and a waste of time and money.

Thus, we are canceling our subscription and want the refund of the paid amount immediately.

We hope Muvi stops cheating clients in future.


Team Curedemy

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